Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunset Sail 7/18/2011

What a great night for a sail. With the full moon providing a great challenge in the form a hard running current, the Freedom tacked her way to the mouth of the inlet. Tropical Storm Bret has been whipping up the surf lately,
so we came about and had a
peaceful sail back in, jibing the whole way. The sunset we crew and our awesome passengers were treated to was amazing!! I

think everyone was stunned by it's beauty. Thanks to all of our passengers who made it such a great trip :)

Posted from the boat using my iPhone
Location: Matanzas River, St. Augustine, FL

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thanks for a Great Sail!

Thanks to everyone that stuck with us yesterday! We went from thunderous rumblings at 4:30 p.m. and little spits of rain at 5:15 p.m. to a gorgeous sunset sail, where we got to see sunsets like this. Captain Larry, Meg, Sydney, and I really enjoyed talking with everyone on the boat. For those of you who came sailing, you got some really good sailing - we jibed, tacked, and had a beautiful sail. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to go sailing!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pretty Video

Not only do we now have the blog that Captain John always wanted, we also have the video he also always wanted. Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Our First Blog Post!

For those of you who have been sailing with Captain John before, you will know that he is very excited about our blog! Facebook and Twitter are great, but for those of you without a taste for social networking (ie. our beloved captain) you can now keep tabs on the captains and crew from the Schooner Freedom through Blogger. We had a great group of kids on board this morning who, instead of playing X-Box all summer, donated their time to repairing houses for the impoverished. And for those of you who braved the 80% chance of rain and came on our gorgeous Day Sail today with Captain Larry and crew, you learned your knots with Jon and Meg. We're crossing our fingers for our Sunset Sail tonight, let's hope this rain moves on through! With all this rain, keep an eye out for rainbows. One of our cruising friends on S/V Bananawind snapped this shot of the Freedom a few years ago outrunning a rain shower and running into a double rainbow. We'll look forward to blogging from the Freedom!